Drugs with a street value totaling more than $30,000 were seized Wednesday following a three-week investigation by the Manchester Township Police Investigations Bureau that also resulted in numerous drug, weapons and other charges for a Toms River teenager.
The investigation resulted in three court-authorized search warrants — one for a Squire Village, Toms River, residence and two for vehicles. During the afternoon of August 20, 2014, Manchester Township Police Officers stopped the Toms River teenager while driving along Route 571 within the township. Subsequent to that stop, the three search warrants were executed by members of the Investigations Bureau.
The following proceeds were seized by Police during the search warrant executions:
More than $23,000 in U.S. currency; a sedan; a motorcycle; nearly 5 pounds of marijuana; Oxycodone, steroids, LSD and various prescription medications; pellet guns, stun gun, flare gun, crossbow, brass knuckles; scales, vacuum sealers, and packaging materials consistent with a high level of drug distribution; drug paraphernalia including bongs, pipes, paper, and syringes; and additional miscellaneous items.
The Toms River teenager faces numerous drug, weapons, and other charges including: Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute; Possession with Intent to Distribute within 1,000 feet of a School Zone; Possession of Over 50 Grams of Marijuana; Possession of a Stun Gun while Distributing Marijuana; Possession of Firearms while Distributing a Controlled Dangerous Substance; and Possession of Oxycodone, LSD and steroids.
The juvenile was transferred to the Ocean County Juvenile Detention Center. The investigation is ongoing.