The Manchester Police Department wants to take this opportunity to notify the residents of Manchester Township about some exciting events that will take place in the near future in celebration of Halloween.
On October 25th from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, the Manchester Alliance and Recreation Department will be hosting its annual Halloween Hayride and Trick or Trunk. This event will take place on the Manchester High School property. Come out and join your neighbors on the Haunted Hayride that starts at the main entrance of the high school. Then make your way over to the parking lot to see all different types of vehicles decorated in your favorite Halloween Themes. One of the vehicles that will be decorated will be the Manchester Police’s award winning DARE Car. Come and meet some of the officers that educate the students of Manchester on the dangers of drugs and violence.
The Manchester Police DARE program will also be disseminating 1000 Halloween Trick or Treat bags to the students of Manchester Schools. Each DARE officer will visit all of the Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third grade classes in Manchester, Ridgeway and Whiting Elementary Schools on the week before Trick or Treat. During that meeting the officers will quickly go over some Trick or Treat Safety Tips in addition to handing each student a Trick or Treat bag that has the Manchester Police Department Spookily written on the bag.
Last, but not least the Manchester Police Department would like to announce that for the fifth year in a row, the police officers assigned to keep our children safe on the night of Trick or Treat will also be heavily armed with candy for the children of our community. If an officer is driving slowly through the streets on the night of Trick or Treat, don’t be afraid to say Trick or Treat to them. If the officer acknowledges you he will call you over to his vehicle and supply you with treats. If the officers are responding to an emergency call and have the lights and sirens activated please allow them to respond to the emergency. The officer’s primary duty is to serve the Township and residents of Manchester.