The inaugural Elite Law Enforcement Fitness Challenge, hosted by the Manchester Township Police Department on Wednesday, June 24, 2015, successfully raised money for charity while allowing local police officers to test their fitness levels.
This team-based competition raised nearly $6,000.00 for Ocean of Love and the Manchester Township Police Foundation, Inc. The officers were proud to work together and compete in grueling physical exercises, all for worthy causes.
“It was an intense race for an exclusive group of athletes who just happen to be police officers,” said Chief Lisa Parker. “In today’s world of increasing violence, it’s important for Law Enforcement to take physical fitness seriously as so much can depend on it.”
Stafford Township Police Team #1 earned the title of Fittest Police Department, beating out 15 other four-person teams for the honor. In second place was Toms River Township Police, followed by Stafford Township Police Team #2 in third. The exercises included: team vehicle pull, team tire flip, fence climbs, rope climbs, barrel roll, team member carry, farmers carry, clean and press, individual tire flip, pole flip/carry, 200 yard swim, and four mile trail run.
“This was an incredibly difficult competition which required officers to be at the top of their physical fitness game and to work together as a team. All of the competitors who completed this challenge can be proud of their accomplishment and their sincere dedication to fitness,” Chief Parker said.
Organizers, Detective David Fusaro and Patrolman Charles Gatnarek of the Manchester Township Police are appreciative of everyone who participated and are looking forward to making the Elite Law Enforcement Fitness Challenge an annual event. As the host agency of the inaugural event, Manchester Township Police did not have a team participate in the challenge, however they plan on entering one or more teams in next year’s competition.
The Manchester Township Police would like to extend a special thank you to our Gold Sponsors: Termini Nutrition Center, Forked River; All Star Sports Academy, Toms River; Thompson Chiropractic, Toms River; Cella’s Septic Company, Toms River; and A Simply Greener Side, Toms River.