The Investigations Bureau provides comprehensive investigation services for the citizens of Manchester Township. The Investigations Bureau’s primary function is to identify and apprehend criminal offenders. Detectives assigned to the Investigations Bureau handle a variety of complex, in-depth investigations, including but not limited to suspicious deaths, missing persons, sexual assaults, burglaries, financial crimes, computer crimes, fraud, robberies and narcotic related offenses.

Within the Investigations Bureau, there are three subcomponents. They include the Criminal Investigations section, Juvenile Investigations section and Community and Senior Affairs section. These three units are commanded by a Detective Sergeant.

The Criminal Investigations section is primarily responsible for locating and interviewing victims and witnesses; locating, identifying and preserving physical evidence; recovering stolen property; identifying, locating, interviewing and arresting criminal suspects; and presenting criminal cases to the County Prosecutor for criminal prosecution.

The Juvenile Investigations section is responsible for the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency problems as well as the investigation of juvenile related cases. The Juvenile Investigation section along with the School Resource Officer (SRO) are required to maintain a close liaison with the school administration, and staff, who provide important feedback as to the concerns of the students and parents. In addition to these duties, the Investigations Bureau coordinates both the D.A.R.E (Drug, Abuse, Resistance, and Education) program and G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training) program which are delivered District wide to all students in the 5th and 7th grade.

The Community and Senior Affairs section is responsible for establishing positive community relations and serving the needs of the citizens of Manchester Township. In addition to fostering strong bonds with our community leaders and residence, we are also concerned with the well being of large Senior Citizen population. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Community and Senior Affairs section to formulate projects to meet the special needs within our community, and to develop and maintain programs which are advantageous to our citizens.


CONFIDENTIAL TIPLINE: 732-657-2009, ext. 4504

CONFIDENTIAL DRUG TIPLINE: 732-657-2009, ext. 4223

Confidential Tipline
732-657-2009, ext. 4504

Bureau Commander
Detective Lieutenant David Fusaro
732-657-2009, ext. 4220

Detective Sergeant Christian Nazario
732-657-2009, ext. 4221

Detective Richard Jupinka, ext. 4206

Detective Adam Guker, ext. 4210

Detective Richard Conklin, ext. 4211

Detective Victoria Guarino, ext. 4201

Detective Patrick Cervenak, ext. 4208

Detective Michael Steffen, ext. 4212

SRO Michael Sullivan, ext. 4204