Sgt. John Franklin, a decorated officer who began his law enforcement career in 1989, retired from the Manchester Township Police last week after 25 years of service.

Mrs. Jill Franklin (Sgt. Franklin’s mother) Khristina Franklin (Wife) Luke Franklin (age 12) and Savannah Franklin (age 15) and Sgt. John Franklin
Prior to his 2006 promotion to Sergeant in the Patrol Division, Franklin served in the Community Policing Unit, was a Field Training Officer, a Domestic Violence Response Officer and served as a Traffic Safety Officer.
Mayor Michael Fressola issued a proclamation honoring Sgt. Franklin as Manchester’s law enforcement officers celebrated his career during a March 26 farewell ceremony at police headquarters. Chief of Police Brian Klimakowski thanked him for his service and presented Sgt. Franklin with a recognition plaque. The PBA presented Sgt. Franklin with a shadow box and a retirement badge honoring his 25 years of service.
“Sgt. Franklin was an outstanding employee who served in many different capacities within the Manchester Township Police and throughout the community. He will be missed,” Chief Klimakowski said.
Sgt. Franklin was among the Manchester Township Police Officers deployed to New York City following the Sept. 11 attacks to aid law enforcement there. He also served an instrumental role in redesigning the physical portion of the police entrance examination and regularly took part in community events such as blood drives, Dinner with Santa, and the Manchester Township School District’s Kevin’s Kids toy drive.
During his career, Sgt. Franklin received numerous positive performance notices and letters of acknowledgement. He began his law enforcement career with esteem, earning the high overall award and high physical fitness award from the Ocean County Police Academy with an overall average of 95.16 and retired from Law Enforcement still committed to a high level of physical fitness.
Everyone at the Manchester Township Police is grateful to Sgt. Franklin for his service and wishes him the best of luck in retirement.